Chainsaw mill


Chainsaw mill

chainsaw 1 This 46 year old Laylandii was 20 metres high with a 10 metre spread...
copy of imgp0487 It took four men four days to bring the tree down...
chainsaw last fell Preparing to fell the last section...
chainsaw last bit down  
chainsaw mill The chainsaw mill is shown here on another job. The saw bolts into the aluminium frame and as long as you have a flat surface to run the rails of the frame along you will get a straight board...note ladder in the next pic.

The frame is adjustable, so any size plank or beam can be machined, within the limits of the frame and bar length...
ready for 1st cut With this set up I'm running a 36 inch bar with a 'ripping' chain that is specifically designed to cut along the grain as opposed to across it...
half way through Note extra oil reservoir, at the far end of the frame, that supplies oil to the tip of the blade and keeps the chain running smoothly...
1st cut First cut...
4th cut I could have dispensed with the ladder and used the cut face as a guide for the frame, but I wanted to avoid the possibility of an accumulated error giving me boards that were not quite flat...
Watch this space for the finished article of furniture...  


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