Barn conversion


Luxury one bedroom barn conversion
barn before Work starts on the old cow shed with part of the right hand wall being rebuilt.

All the stone was reused and built up with a course sand/grit and hydraulic lime mortar mix...
barn from pole barn The kitchen window opening is in and the surrounding masonary pointed. The left hand end of the wall is the rebuilt section refered to above.

The pole barn is not yet 'recycled'.

Note the old roof covering in a bad state of repair...
barn front door before Living room window opening complete along with a replacement lintel for the front door aperture...
barn roof 1 The roof is stripped, revealing a structure clearly in need of replacement..note the 'fan' layout of the roof trussess.

The plan was to replace the trusses with graded hand finished Douglas Fir and to replicate the truss layout as accurately as possible...
barn roof 2 The exposed gable end of the farmhouse, made up of sections of random stone, cob and brick, was in a terrible condition and needed major surgery...
barn underpinning When exposed it was evident that the entire block wall (left hand wall in the image below) had no foundation.

Underpinning work stabilised this whole section of the building...
barn cobbled floor 1 Underpinning work completed, roof structure off and opening for the side door (very left of picture) made.

Original cobbled floor exposed...
dscf0048 The slurrey channels are very evident from this shot.

It didn't seem right to disturb the cobbles, but the alternative of covering them with concrete was even less appealing. Once lifted they would then be available to use elsewhere, a cobbled courtyard seemed the obvious choice...
barn back door Putting a back door into the barn meant making quite a big hole...
barn back door after Opening completed using reclaimed granite quoins and timber lintel.

Timber lintels had widely been used in buildings of this age. In later years granite took over as a lintel material...
barn lintel All lintels and internal steps are of Greenheart timber which was reclaimed from the Falmouth dock fire, machined using my chainsaw mill and hand finished with a block plain and an adze to get rid of the machining marks.

Greenheart is astonishingly heavy and was used structurally and in marine environments before modern materials took over. Put it in water and it'll sink...
barn gable Barn conversion complete with slate roof, waney edge boards finishing the timber gable end and rough render to the block wall to mimic stonework and quoins...
barn front door from outside Front door fitted, roof on, windows in.

Note the huge granite slabs, bottom left of the picture, covering the opening for the well...
barn kitchen Kitchen area...also showing handmade ornate roof ties, in this case from the truss to the lintel...
bath bedroom Bedroom...
barn bathroom Bathroom with solid oak floor...
barn living room 2 Living room with slate floor, oak bannisters, lime rendered and exposed stone gable end wall with the original layout of hand planed roof trusses..





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